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Fossagrim signs new contract with Gjensidige Forsikring

Dec 1, 2023

We are proud to announce our collaboration with our newest client, Gjensidige!

Gjensidige has set an ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from its own operations by 75 percent by 2025, and net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement.


“We are well underway and have already cut over 80 percent since 2019. We want to compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions that we do not succeed in cutting through the purchase of climate quotas that finance greenhouse gas-reducing projects”, says Director of Sustainability at Gjensidige, Bente Sverdrup.


“Through the agreements with Fossagrim and Down to Earth, Gjensidige is establishing a pilot collaboration with two innovative businesses that will also be important in developing future solutions for carbon removal and storage. At the same time, we contribute to nature-based solutions that will be important in our work to reduce natural risks, in addition to climate risks”, she says.


With their support, Gjensidige contributes to taking greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere, and ensuring the preservation of forest that would otherwise have been cut down. The forest is now allowed to grow older and be a good home for all life in the forest, while at the same time doing the important job of capturing CO2 and store it underground.


“We are very proud to have gained the trust of such an important player as Gjensidige”, says Monica Lyngmo, Marketing & Sales Manager in Fossagrim. “We will work to continue highlighting how valuable our local forests are, and to mobilize more businesses to contribute!”


Visit the link below to read the original news post on LinkedIn:

About Gjensidige:


Gjensidige offers a range of insurance products across Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and the Baltic countries. Additionally, in Norway, they offer pension and savings plans. We insure a wide variety of businesses, and tailor solutions to meet their specific needs.


To read more, visit their website:


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